ISAEECE 2021 会议回顾
Thanks to the support of experts and scholars! A total of 40 people attended the Nanjing conference, including four keynote speakers and four scholars to share academic reports.
Keynote speaker 1:
Dr. Pavel Loskot
Zhejiang University-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute (ZJUI)
Title: Monte Carlo Simulations Revisited
Keynote speaker 2:
Nikhil R.Pal
the National Academy of Sciences of India
Title: Artificial Intelligence: How satisfied should we be?
Keynote speaker 3:
Chunbo Xiu
School of Control Science and Engineering, Tiangong University
Title: Memristive Cellular Neural Network & Its Dynamic Characteristic Analysis
Keynote speaker 4:
Sunil Kumar Jha
School of Computer and Software, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Title: Data Fusion Approaches in Human Body Odor Data Mining
Group Photo
The conference provided a valuable opportunity for researchers and industry experts to exchange ideas face-to-face. The organizing committee hopes that everyone will continue to contribute to scientific progress with this enthusiasm.